• Kerbal Space Program Complete Edition

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5. Установите игру и играйте в своё удовольствие!

The Kerbal Space Program Complete Bundle includes the heavily-awarded and ever evolving space simulation game Kerbal Space Program as well as the Making History & Breaking Ground expansions for a bundled discount.

In Kerbal Space Program, take charge of the space program for the alien race known as the Kerbals. You have access to an array of parts to assemble fully-functional spacecraft that flies (or doesn’t) based on realistic aerodynamic and orbital physics. Launch your Kerbal crew into orbit and beyond (while keeping them alive) to explore moons and planets in the Kerbal solar system, constructing bases and space stations to expand the reach of your expedition.

Kerbal Space Program features three gameplay modes. In Science Mode, perform space experiments to unlock new technology and advance the knowledge of Kerbalkind. In Career Mode, oversee every aspect of the space program, including construction, strategy, funding, upgrades, and more. In Sandbox, you are free to build any spacecraft you can think of, with all parts and technology in the game.

Вид товара
Тип Ключ активации
Место активации Steam
Особенности Данный продукт доступен для использования и активации в данных странах: Россия, Украина, Республика Беларусь, Казахстан, Армения, Азербайджан, Грузия, Киргизстан, Республика Молдова, Таджикистан, Туркменистан, Узбекистан.
Об игре
Жанры Indies, Simulation, Single-player,
Издатель Private Division,
Дата выхода 27 апреля 2015

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Kerbal Space Program Complete Edition

  • Код товара: 013123
  • Доступность: В наличии
  • 4 259р.?
  • 1 319р.

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Аттестат продавца Webmoney BL 1100+

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